Britteny Spears has posted nude for the cover of a magazine while she is pregnant and this is causing a little bit of a stir. Some believe since Brittny Spears is a role model that teens who still idol her will also try to become pregnant. That is one concern.

However, other people are saying it is a good day before pregnant women because it shows that just because your pregnant does not mean you are still not sexy. Pregnant women often go through with drawls and depression while pregnant because they feel unattractive. Society seems to say we must be thin to be beautiful.

Brittney Spears posing naked and pregnant may bring us back for a more positive image and association with pregnancy, this is a good step for society in that regard. And many psychologists believe that could be a very good thing for all women.
Some of the more staunch Christians decry Brittny Spears posing nude and naked while pregnant on the cover of a very popular magazine, yet Debbie Moore also posed nude if you will remember on the same magazine a few years back. The debate and controversy rages on and perhaps it was a publicity stunt, but it was done in good taste and we all ought to consider this.
Women are beautiful always no matter what shape or size and pregnancy is a wonderful thing, as it brings new life into the World and new hope. Women should have good self esteem while pregnant and that will show and make them even more beautiful. I hope you agree with my thoughts on this. Have a nice day.