Sony PS Vita is new generation portable gaming device/console which offers amazing gaming experience with large 5” inch OLED Touchscreen display, Quad Core CPU and 3G connectivity @ affordable price in India.

Sony Playstation Vita Gaming Console Features:
- Available in Two Models Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi+3G
- 5” inch (960×544 pixels) multi-touch OLED Display
- Dual analog Joystick with six-axis motion sensors
- Location Based Gaming
- Multiplayer Gaming, Social Community to Interact, Realtime Chat and Voice Application
Playstation Vita Gaming Titles:
- Uncharted Golden Abyss offers vibrant cinematic visuals and most intuitive 3rd person shooter gaming experience
- Ruin offers the ultimate social action RPG experience
- Little Big Planet allows users to Play, Create and Share with the system front touch screen and rear touch pad as well as its front and rear cameras
- Other Games: GRAVITY DAZE, Hustle Kings, ModNation Racers, Wipeout 2048, Little Deviants, Hot Shots Golf, Reality Fighter and Super Stardust Delta
Sony Playstation Vita Price in India:
- Sony PS Vita 3G+Wi-Fi Price – Approx Rs. 20,000/- INR
- Sony PS Vita Wi-Fi Price – Approx Rs. 15,000/- INR