Divorce is a growing problem in our society. It is now accepted fact that most couples will remarry a second and third time. Ok you say we know all of this, but what do we do about all the conflict in the home? I just get so fed up with whom I am, and handling everyone else problems when I can not even handle my own. If this sound like you, then this article has a few suggestions to help you cope in todays' family. But before we go there there is one more question I want you to ask yourself. How do you feel about yourself? Some one has said, the problem is that people thinks too highly of themselves. However, I would like to suggest it is the opposite. We need to love ourself. Often we have unresolved anger. We just does not like who we are, what we look like and what we feel we are capable of doing. We often look at others and say, if I only looked like that, or if I only had that job, that ability, if I could sing, play a musical instrument and on and on.
Britney Spears Syndrome
Divorce is a growing problem in our society. It is now accepted fact that most couples will remarry a second and third time. Ok you say we know all of this, but what do we do about all the conflict in the home? I just get so fed up with whom I am, and handling everyone else problems when I can not even handle my own. If this sound like you, then this article has a few suggestions to help you cope in todays' family. But before we go there there is one more question I want you to ask yourself. How do you feel about yourself? Some one has said, the problem is that people thinks too highly of themselves. However, I would like to suggest it is the opposite. We need to love ourself. Often we have unresolved anger. We just does not like who we are, what we look like and what we feel we are capable of doing. We often look at others and say, if I only looked like that, or if I only had that job, that ability, if I could sing, play a musical instrument and on and on.